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"Preparing children for school requires us to pay attention to both the well-being and academic readiness of the child."

As the children get older, we need to get them ready for school. Transition to big school is a long process where the teachers prepare the children mentally, physically and academically.

Our school readiness programme starts when the children enter the older room till they graduate. During this process, the educators will meet parents at least 4 times a year to discuss about which schools parents are considering and what Ai Kids can do to support them in a smoother transition. 

The older children will have more autonomy to decide what they want to do and where they want to do it. They are invited to move indoors or outdoors to engage in various activities. Scroll down to see what happens in a day of a preschooler at Ai Kids .

Do not worry, we are here to help! 

7.30 – 9 AM

Multi-age exploration

In the morning, I will have a chance to interact with my younger friends in school. I can show them how to engage in the different activities in the indoor or outdoor environment.

I am confident that I can help my younger friends.

9.00 – 9.30 AM

Morning tea

Sometimes, we will have morning tea outdoors. We sit on the benches and I get to use the tongs to pick up fruits that I like. I have to think about how much can I eat and be responsible of what is on my plate. Our educators told us that wasting food is not a nice thing to do. Our second course is usually bread, crackers or yogurt. I can usually smell what it is when I walk past the kitchen!

9.30 – 10.30 AM

Outdoor exploration

We spend some time outdoors. I get to climb structures, play in the sandpit, read and participate in the experiences my educator has set up. We play in the large outdoor area, separate from the younger ones as my activities might not be suitable for them. There are many different areas. There are quiet and loud activities and I get to enjoy my time with my educators and peers.

10.30 – 11.30 AM

Indoor exploration

We will be splitting up with the 2-3 in our room as we need to continue with our school readiness programme. We practice different skills such as counting, drawing and writing. We would also spend time having discussions as my educators say that the soft skills and learning dispositions such as confidence, resilience, being innovative and adaptive will help set me up for life. My educators will take observations of me at work and add it into my individualised portfolio.


11.30 – 12.00 AM


Lunch is served at the dining table. Our meals are designed by the nutritionist at Kids Gourmet Food and our Food Safety trained kitchen hand will help us prepare the food. For my friends who have special diets due to medical or cultural reasons, there will be a personalised menu and a separate bowl with a clear label and information at meal time for them. There is boiled warm and room temperature water for me to drink throughout the day.


12.30 – 1.30 PM

Rest time

We would take a shorter rest time as we approach the later part of the year. This helps us get ready and get used to the routine in preschool where there is no nap time. Friends who need to take a short nap can do it while the others must have some quiet time or read a book.

1.30 – 3.00 PM

Quiet activities

As the rest of my younger friends are sleeping, I can continue with my quiet table activities such as reading, drawing, writing, counting or even science experiments in the STEM room. Quiet activities help me develop my focus and concentration whilst practising pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills. My educator will also be around to facilitate my exploration.

We use the OWNA app to share children's learnings.

3.00 – 3.30 PM

Progressive afternoon tea

I get to choose the fruits and how much I would like during afternoon tea. This helps me practice responsible eating. We have lots of fruits and vegetables throughout the day to ensure that we have a balanced diet. My educators also share my eating habits with my family.

3.30 – 4.30  PM

Outdoor exploration

After having afternoon tea, we will go outdoors. I can look into the mirror and put sunscreen for myself. I get to revisit this morning’s experiences or discover new ones. My educators change the outdoors regularly so that I have many opportunities to explore the environment. They will also take photos of me at work and post it on OWNA for my family to

4.30 – 5.00 PM

Pack away and tidy up

We are near the end of the day. My educators will remind me 5 minutes before packing up so that I would be prepared for it. I would have an idea that play is going to end soon and it is time for pack up. Knowing what happens next will help avoid surprises, struggles and tantrums.

5.00 – 5.30 PM

Late snack

We will gather at the dining table for late snack. Most of my friends usually go home around this time. At late snack, we get to choose the fruits and vegetables which we like. There will be crackers or rice cakes at the table too

 5.30 – 6.00 PM

Reconnecting with loved ones

After a long day, my parents come and pick me up. My educators will also share with my parents what I did today and the photos would have been posted on the OWNA app.

As a security measure, my parents would need to sign me out on the centre’s iPad or via the OWNA app on their phones.


Values & learning dispositions

The early years are the most important years in shaping the character of the young ones. Hence, we focus a lots on developing the learning dispositions of the children. The Ai values and learning dispositions such as confidence, resilience, integrity and love for books will set the children up for life.

School readiness

As the pre-schoolers get ready for big school, the educators will sit with the parents to discuss about their goals and the type of school they would be enrolling their child in. After discussing about the plans, the educators will plan experiences to support children in acquiring the skills in early literacy, early numeracy, fine motor skills such as pencil grip, using tools to paint and also support their well-being in the transition.

4 times a year

Meeting parents

As we work together to get the children ready for big school, the educators will arrange for 4 meetings to review my progress. At these meetings, the parents and teachers will share their observations of the children at home and at school and discuss ways to support the children. The educators observe each child regularly and posts 1 observation a month on the OWNA app and write 4 jottings that are in line with the children’s goals and interests